Fall League 2021!

The trees are shedding their leaves, but Ultimate continues. It’s fall league time!


  • Co-ed 7v7 with Gender Rule A (ABBA Format)
  • Two leagues: Tuesdays (Individual Hat League) and Thursdays (Team Registration).
  • US Ultimate Rules, with rule modifications to increase safety (see below)
  • Partner registration is available for Individual Hat League (sign up with a friend and be placed on the same team).
  • For Thursday Team Registration, individuals looking for a team are encouraged to contact leagues@wods.ca
  • No restrictions on team size or substitutions


  • 8 week season
  • Starts week of September 14th

Game Times: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm and 8:15 pm to 9:45 pm.

Location: Woodside Park, Kitchener (with some games at RBJ Schlegel Park in Kitchener for the three weeks)


  • Thursday Team Registration: Early bird fee of $750/team if paid by Sept 5th, or $800 after
  • Tuesday Individual Registration: $60/person
  • Please e-transfer payments to treasurer@wods.ca after registering for teams
  • Fee assistance is available for players who would like to participate in WODS’ league programs but who may not have the financial means to do so, including due to COVID hardship. Please contact Kristen, our executive director, at ed@wods.ca for more information.


  • Closes Sept 10th (or when the league is full).
  • Participants must be at least 18 years old as of Sept 14th, 2021. Individuals under this age may contact leagues@wods.ca to discuss an exception.
  • Due to COVID-19, we have updated our waivers. All participants are required to review carefully and complete them prior to registration (you must use the links to sign the waivers before you can see the registration link).

COVID-19 Specifics:

  • In alignment with current federal guidelines, WODS recommends that all individuals who are not fully vaccinated (14 days past their second dose of a vaccine) wear a mask both while playing and on the sideline. Once fully vaccinated a mask is no longer necessary.
  • Captains must ensure attendance is accurate in Zuluru at the start of each game.
  • Good sanitation and hygiene must be practiced.
  • Participating in a league increases your risk of exposure to COVID-19.
  • If you or people in your social circle are part of particularly vulnerable groups (e.g., seniors, have respiratory illness, or are immunocompromised), we discourage participation in our leagues (but hope to see you in the future, when it’s safer!).

Player Screening Protocols:

  • All players must complete the self-screening checklist prior to every game and take appropriate action as required.
  • If you are sick, stay home and follow Public Health Ontario’s isolation requirements. If you are unsure if you may have COVID 19, please use the Ontario self-assessment tool.
  • If you or one of your close contacts test positive for COVID-19, you must follow the directions of the Public Health Ontario representatives and immediately notify us by emailing leagues@wods.ca.

Sanitation & Hygiene Protocols:

  • Players may bring a disc, but these discs can only be used to warm up.
  • Game discs will be provided for each game, and sanitized regularly.
  • When not actively playing on the field, keep physically distant in line with government recommendations.
  • No handshakes or other celebratory contact.
  • No sharing of water, clothing, or other equipment.
  • Come as ready to play as possible.
  • Follow all posted facility and field rules, including COVID-19 guidelines related to entry, exit, and movement flow.

Rule Modifications:

  • The mark must be at least 1m away (instead of a disc space) to increase physical distancing.
  • ANY contact is automatically a foul.
  • In lieu of a defensive player tapping the disc to resume play, players may ask if the opponent is ready and ground tap the disc to start play.

Safety Ambassadors:

  • At the start of each game, the two teams will agree on one person to act as the Safety Ambassador
  • Ambassadors will sanitize game discs regularly (approx. every 5 points)
  • Ambassadors will oversee compliance with safety guidelines.
  • Ambassadors will adjust the scoreboards.

While we aim to provide a safe environment to play ultimate in, please note that participating in a league increases your risk of exposure to COVID-19. 

If you or people in your social circle are part of particularly vulnerable groups (e.g., seniors, have a respiratory illness, or are immunocompromised), we discourage participation in our summer league (but hope to see you in the future, when it’s safer!).

Questions? Please contact David at leagues@wods.ca.

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