COVID-19 Preventative Measures [Updated Nov 6th]

Update – November 16th, 2020

As WODS continues to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic, along with guidance from the Region and Province, we are not offering winter ultimate leagues at this time.

WODS is excited to have offered successful Summer and Fall programming, despite the challenging environment. These leagues were pulled together quickly, as soon as it was deemed safe to do so. With the health of the WODS community our top priority, we are not able to run indoor programming over the winter. However, we remain committed to getting everyone back on the field as soon as it is safe to do so.

Further updates will be available as the situation evolves.


Update – July 13th, 2020

WODS is excited by the Ontario Government’s announcement of a progression towards Phase 3 re-opening and its provisions for a return to team sport play. At this time, WODS is consulting with local government and Ultimate governing bodies to establish compliant, best practices for return to play.

We anticipate further information will be forthcoming shortly.

WODS will continue to update this page as new information emerges.


Update – June 24th, 2020

WODS continues to closely monitor the situation with COVID-19, relying on advice from local authorities, the government and Ultimate governing bodies to inform it’s decision making.

There remains no specific timetable for when we will be able to return to play. However, with a commitment to getting everyone back on the fields as quickly as possible, plans are being put in place in order to meet the safety and regulatory requirements which will be needed once Ultimate can resume.

In the meantime, Ultimate Canada has put together a guide for consideration on returning to throwing, you can access it here.

WODS will continue to update this page as new information emerges.


Update – April 16, 2020

On Wednesday, April 15th it was announced that the City of Kitchener and other area municipalities made the decision to extend the closure of recreational facilities, including sports fields, to June 30th. In light of this our Summer Leagues will need to start at a later date. Unfortunately this means the cancellation of the Spring season of Monday Youth Ultimate. We will be in contact with those who registered to discuss refunds.

We are still hoping to have a shortened summer league starting at the beginning of July. We will send out more information in June.


March 31, 2020

We are continuing to monitor the system as it develops. For the time being, the remainder of WODS Winter League has been cancelled, as is the entire Spring League. Team captains will receive a partial refund for Winter League (the amount of which is currently being determined), as well as a full refund for Spring League.   We have not yet made a decision about the status of Summer League, as it will all depend on the status of the outbreak, but we will keep you posted about any further delays as the summer approaches.


March 13, 2020

WODS is carefully monitoring the COVID-19 novel coronavirus situation.

As such, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the remaining games of the Winter League (including tonight, Mar 13), the scrimmage at Bechtel Park this Sunday, and the first two weeks of Spring League. The board of directors will re-evaluate the situation in two weeks time (March 27). Any updates will be posted on the WODS website.

The decision to postpone, reschedule, refund, or cancel games will be made as the situation continues to unfold. We appreciate your patience as this unique situation unfolds.


March 12, 2020

As we are well into flu season, and with the developments surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19), WODS is focusing on providing our members with information to protect themselves against the flu, and coronavirus. WODS leadership has and will continue to keep up to date with the latest developments and review guidelines/advice set out by the World Health Organization (WHO) the Ministry of Health-Ontario (MHO), Waterloo Region Public Health (WRPH), and Ultimate Canada, and we will continue to provide updates as necessary.
WODS leagues and events, including our AGM, will continue as planned for now, but please take a moment to read through these everyday actions that will help you and your fellow members remain healthy:

  • We encourage all members to continue to wash their hands thoroughly and often for at  least 20 seconds with soap and water, or with an alcohol-based sanitizer.
  • If you are feeling unwell or if you have a fever or respiratory illness, or symptoms such as sneezing or coughing, we ask that you do not attend your game(s) or event(s) until your symptoms clear up.
  • If your team is unable to field a team, please reach out to the other team and WODS as soon as possible

In addition to the everyday actions we can all take, in alignment with Ultimate Canada, we are recommending the following precautions when you are at a WODS event, or game:

  • Avoid High-Fives and Shaking Hands: The flu and coronavirus are commonly spread through close, personal contact; please refrain from high-fiving and shaking hands with teammates and opponents. An air high-five or team cheer is a great replacement!
  • Don’t Share Water Bottles or Community Snacks: Please try to remember to bring your own water bottle and snacks. Keep spares in your bag or car, if you tend to forget to bring them.
  • Sanitize Discs: We ask that everyone take a few minutes before coming to an event or game and disinfect all your discs (e.g. wipes or sanitizer).  When possible, WODS will also supply some hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes at league games.
  • Wash Hands: Please wash your hands before and after every game.

Below are some links to resources from WHO (their advice to the public, including myth busters), MHO, and WRPH for more information about coronavirus:

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at

Kristen Hines
Executive Director

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