We will be running our Winter Indoor 4v4 league for 2024, and teams are invited to register! Format and Information: ...
Category: Announcement
Two Hat Sessions on December 30: High School and Adult Players
We are thrilled to share that we are offering Hat Sessions for youth and adults on December 30th! High School Hat...
December Debacle Registration is Open: Mixed 4v4 Tournament
WODS and Maverick are excited to co-host a mixed 4v4 indoor tournament on December 16, 2023! Details and Format: ...
One Day Women-Matching 4s Indoor Hat Tournament
We’re excited to host our first women-matching 4v4 indoor hat tournament on November 5, 2023! In support of offering...
Women’s Hat and 4×4 Mixed Fall Leagues are Open for Registration!
We have some more programming to share for fall 2023! In lieu of the cancelled Women's Draft League, we will be...
Registration for Oktoberfest 2023 is Open!
WODS is hosting our annual Oktoberfest tournament for mixed teams on October 14 and 15, 2023! Format: Co-ed 7v7 with...
New Fall Youth League!
New programming alert! WODS is offering a new league for youth ages 9-18 on Sundays through the Fall. This program is...
Fall Registration is open!
Fall programming is almost upon us! WODS will be running two leagues this fall: a DRAFT league on Tuesdays and our...
Free Pulling (and Long Throws) Clinic on July 12
Do you want to improve your long throws? Do you have some wisdom to share about throwing pulls? On July 12, 2023, we...
Register for WODS’ Wednesday Pick-Up League
In place of a regular league night, we are looking forward to offering a pick-up league night on Wednesday nights from...