Oktoberfest 2021

It’s been a long wait, but WODS is hosting a tournament! Oktoberfest 2021 is scheduled as a one day event on Saturday October 16th and is looking for teams! 


  • Co-ed 7v7 with Gender Rule A (ABBA Format)
  • US Ultimate Rules, with rule modifications to increase safety (see below)
  • Location: Kiwanis Park, Kitchener
  • Time: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm on Saturday October 16th.
  • Game length and tournament structure TBD (based on number of teams registered)
  • Cost: $350 / team
  • Please note there will be water available at the field, but no field food will be provided
  • Note: Alcohol will not be permitted at the fields.

COVID-19 Specifics:

  • In alignment with current federal guidelines, WODS recommends that all individuals who are not fully vaccinated (14 days past their second dose of a vaccine) wear a mask both while playing and on the sideline.
  • Good sanitation and hygiene must be practiced.
  • Participating in the tournament increases your risk of exposure to COVID-19.
  • If you or people in your social circle are part of particularly vulnerable groups (e.g., seniors, have respiratory illness, or are immunocompromised), we discourage participation in the event (but hope to see you in the future, when it’s safer!).

Player Screening Protocols:

Sanitation & Hygiene Protocols:

  • Players may bring a disc, but these discs can only be used to warm up.
  • Game discs will be provided for each game, and sanitized regularly.
  • When not actively playing on the field, keep physically distant in line with government recommendations.
  • No handshakes or other celebratory contact.
  • No sharing of water, clothing, or other equipment.
  • Follow all posted facility and field rules, including COVID-19 guidelines related to entry, exit, and movement flow.

Rule Modifications:

  • The mark must be at least 1m away (instead of a disc space) to increase physical distancing.
  • ANY contact is automatically a foul.
  • In lieu of a defensive player tapping the disc to resume play, players may ask if the opponent is ready and ground tap the disc to start play.

While we aim to provide a safe environment to play ultimate in, please note that participating in this event increases your risk of exposure to COVID-19. 

If you or people in your social circle are part of particularly vulnerable groups (e.g., seniors, have a respiratory illness, or are immunocompromised), we discourage participation in the event (but hope to see you in the future, when it’s safer!).

Questions? Please contact Jackie at youth@wods.ca.

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